
Removal of asbestos in any form, friable or non-friable may cause respiratory damage if inhaled. Friable asbestos (soft and fibrous such as pipe insulation) is the most hazardous. Non-friable asbestos (often found in siding and roof shingles and floor tiles of certain vintage) is less likely to break into airborne particles and therefore is less hazardous.  If you have asbestos wastes, look in the yellow pages for “Asbestos Abatement & Removal” and “Asbestos Consulting & Testing.” Or call the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources at 802-241-3800 for further information.

Some forms of asbestos, such as tiles and roofing, do not need to be removed by a professional asbestos removal company, but disposal of these materials is very strict. Asbestos tiles, siding and roofing must be removed damp,  wrapped securely in plastic and taken directly to a landfill or transfer station which accepts the materials.